National Workshop On Genome Informatics

Alagappa University has organised a
National Workshop On Genome Informatics

This National Workshop has been organised by The Department Of Bio-Technology of the home college. Also the Sponsor of this workshop is , Department Of BioiTechnology, Ministry Of Science And Technology , Government Of India, New Delhi.

The objective of this program is to provide training on Bio-Informatics , Genome Analysis etc.

Level of Participants

Young Academicians / Scientists / Research Scholars and PG Students from academic, scientific and Industrial setups working or desirous of working in the area of Biotechnology, Computational Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry and various other branches of Life Sciences are invited to attend the workshop.

Registration Fee

1. Rs. 500 /- for Students
2. Rs. 1000 /- for Academicians / Scientists
3. Rs. 2000 /- for Industrial participants

The registration fee includes Workshop Material and food for all the three days of the Workshop. The selected candidates upon intimation may send/bring the DD for the amount specified.
Number of Participants: 20


Alagappa University Hostels Rs. 50 per day. Accommodation in Hotels will be arranged on advance request.

NB: 1. All the intimations will be sent by E-mail.
2. For updated info, please visit our website.

Address for Communication:

Prof. S. Karutha Pandian
Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility
Department of Biotechnology
Alagappa University
Karaikudi – 630 003. Tamil Nadu, India
Phone :04565-225215, Fax: 04565-225202

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